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metallic element meaning in Hindi

metallic element sentence in Hindi
metallic    धातु जैसा
element    अव्यव जड़ तत्त्व
1.Non-metallic elements occurring in the native state include carbon and sulfur.

2.Some toxic, semi-metallic elements, including arsenic and selenium, are discussed in this page.

3.-- Manganese : A metallic element that gives off toxic fumes during welding.

4.Inside the atomic clock, a sample of a metallic element, cesium-133, is heated.

5.Cadmium is a toxic metallic element commonly used in electroplating.

6.He was the first to prepare metallic elements from their ores by this method.

7.Being close to the nearest neighbours than other metallic elements.

8.Generally, the metallic elements used are nickel, molybdenum, and cobalt.

9.Most crystalline forms of metallic elements are hcp, fcc, or bcc ( body-centered cubic ).

10.Berylliosis is a lung disease caused by breathing fine particles of the metallic element beryllium.

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any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.
Synonyms: metal,

How to say metallic element in Hindi and what is the meaning of metallic element in Hindi? metallic element Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.